Use this test to understand your most predominant Human Needs, and what you can do to live in harmony and balance. Usually one or two of these needs will be foremost, and will have an over-arching influence on your behaviour and actions. Upon completing the quiz, you will find a description of the typical characteristics for someone with those needs. You will also find suggestions about what you may need to do in order to live in harmony with your most important needs.
Read the statement and rank how you agree/feel about it.
For best results:
- Appreciate yourself for how you are today
- Realize that there are no “good” or “bad” answers here
- Be honest with yourself for the most accurate and rewarding results
Some tips if you have trouble answering questions:
Click “Yes” if the statement feels like the honest truth, and if the rule is broken, it’s important and urgent to pay attention, e.g.:
- You’d reply “Yes! That’s me!” or “Story of my life!”, or “This is so true!” or “It’s what MY life is all about!”
- You feel strongly judgmental or critical towards yourself about it, e.g. “I wish this didn’t bother me, but honestly it does” or “I wish I were better than this, but it’s how I am right now”
- You’d reply “I strongly wish I did more of this, because it makes me A LOT happier!”
- You like yourself A LOT more if you say it out loud, because you know it’s true to your core
- You’d react as if you’d like yourself A LOT less if you say it out loud, but deep down you feel it’s true
Click “Partly” if the statement has some truth in it, but not all the time, or never fully goes either way, e.g.:
- You’d reply “Sometimes”, “somewhat, but I never go all the way”
- You’d reply “I could do more/less but I don’t care either way”, “it would be nice to have more, but it’s fine as it is”
- You’d reply “depends”, or “maybe, but I’m not too sure about that”,
- It bothers you a bit, but you’re ok with letting go (it doesn’t feel like you’re sacrificing much)
- It excites you a bit, but you’re ok letting more important things take place
Click “No” if the statement feels false, neutral, boring, weird, foreign, shocking, silly, ridiculous, surprising, like a complete lie out of nowhere, e.g.:
- You’d reply e.g. “Nope”, “It’s a cliché”, “The opposite is more true!”, “Actually, I don’t really care”, “(yawn”)
- You 100% know that by disagreeing you’re not lying to yourself, even if it’s not how you’d like reality to be
- You’d strongly object if someone tried to convince you otherwise
- You’d reply e.g. “Never!”, “Doesn’t happen” or “You confused me with someone else”
- You feel neutral or bored with the idea